syntax rule

英 [ˈsɪntæks ruːl] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ruːl]

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  1. The syntax transformer will go through each rule and try to find a matching pattern.
  2. When you have defined the error-checking syntax, you can define one or more rule sets to be applied to different data sets.
  3. Additionally, DB2 requires that you follow a basic syntax rule in order to detect the potential application of a spatial predicate.
  4. The syntax used in rule expressions statements is highly dependent on the target execution environments.
  5. The syntax of the XML document allows you to define different options for each individual rule or for groups of rules while triggering the execution with a single command.
  6. If all conditions are met, including the simple syntax rule, it is still not ensured that a spatial grid index is used to satisfy the query.
  7. Transforming these atomic rules into a given rule syntax yields rule expressions.
  8. Syntax Notes: In this and the following chapters, extended BNF notation will be used to describe syntax, not lexical analysis. When ( one alternative of) a syntax rule has the form.
  9. A design model of NC code complier based on ANother Tool for Language Recognition ( ANTLR) was presented, which adopted the Extended Backus Naur Form ( EBNF) to define the NC program syntax rule.
  10. Cannot save% 1 because it contains a syntax error. Launch the rule editor, correct the problem, and try again.
  11. The proposed Word-Class Stochastic Model ( WCSM) is the basis for syntax rule based semantic parsing and spoken language understanding which has better performance.
  12. The paper analyses the rule syntax and the module of rule process on Snort, expatiates the creation of rule syntax tree and the process of looking for matched option based on the rule syntax tree, and summarizes some characteristics on Snort.
  13. One of difficulties encountered in syntax analysis is how to solve rule conflicts in YACC.
  14. RMI is used as distributed service framework in Java language. With RMI you can write distributed program in Java. The strongpoint of RMI is its easy definition of interfaces, without complicated syntax rule with IDL.
  15. On the implementation of Shader language, the syntax rule and lexical rule are presented and an interpreter, which interprets and executes the Shader language, is also given.
  16. On the basis of the syntax rule, the program for morphology analyses, the program for syntax analyses and the program for executing the macro are designed.
  17. In the thesis, syntax knowledge and grammar rules are abstracted from the modern Chinese grammar library, and the knowledge express method by product rule is anal sized systematically.
  18. In this paper, according to BNF, the language syntax rule is defined.
  19. Formalization of e~ 2EPCs Syntax Rule
  20. Therefore rule description method is easy for domain engineers to understand, grasp and apply, it can solve the problem of "curse of modeling". ( 3) Formal syntax and semantics of logic rule description language ( LRDL) are constructed.
  21. Based on the three syntax rules of non-sufficient reasoning in finite language, we add a limit reasoning rule to describe the non-sufficient reasoning relations under infinite language.
  22. By looking at from the pragmatic significance of the grammar, we can see that syntax studies the rule of sentence.
  23. The regular expression syntax is researched in rule sets, the principles of regular expression matching and their influence on algorithms are analyzed, and the problems of state explosion are discussed, which provide theoretical foundation for algorithm designs. 3.
  24. Traditional executable languages suiting to the Von-Neumann architecture are characterized by the state switching of the automatic machine, the command-driven mode, and the dynamic syntax. But the rule based language suiting to this pre and post assertion model has a static syntax.